Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my Guinea Pig sick?

Is my Guinea Pig sick?

21 13:51:58

To whom it may concern,
 I was just wondering if you can tell me if my Guinea Pig is sick; her eyes have become a little hazy(like someone with Cataracts), her face is a little puffy and extremely wet underneath, and she looks a little skinny near her back legs.  To me it looked like she was limping, but I couldn't tell that well.  I have had her for eight (8) years; I know that's a long time, I love Guinea Pigs (She is my third one).  If you could tell me if my Guinea Pig is sick, I would greatly appreciate it.

As a fellow guinea lover I know how you feel, make sure she is not in pain as she just may be getting old. Make sure she is still drinking and then I would advise taking her to the vet. She may have broken or hurt back legs that would be why she is limping. Make sure she is still eating and try to tempt her with her favourite veggies/fruit.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help