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poorly pig

21 14:19:56

our guinea pig is about 4 years old, her urine started to contain blood about 1 week ago, now shes not eating much and constipated, well not going as much. she dosn,t seem to be herself lately

Hi Dave,

    Blood in the urine is usually indicative of either a urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder stones.  In either case, a veterinarian who is experienced in the area of guinea pigs must be consulted.  UTI can be effectively treated with antibiotics.  Bladder stones, on the other hand, seems a more likely cause to me because this medical problem involves difficulty passing feces.  A vet will diagnose bladder stones by means of an X-ray, and they can be removed either surgically or be flushed out.

These links will bring you to a helpful site that will provide further information concerning UTI, bladder stones, and what a vet can do to help:

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                              - Nicole