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Clogged nose or throat?

21 14:06:06

Hello, sometimes when i pick my guinea pig up it sounds like she has a clogged nose or throat, when she tries to do her high pitch "happy" screech its all airy and it doesn't sound like a screech at all just like someone whispering. she is eating, drinking well and she runs around ALOT and isn't  breathing deep, shes been doing this since i got her about 2 weeks ago at a young age (6 weeks i think unless the store was wrong) so i dont think its a respiratory illness, and sometimes she coughs and sneezes. can you please tell me what this might be?
(shes also has long hair could it be a hair ball?)

Hi Kim,

I don't believe that guinea pigs suffer from hair balls, and as you think it is unlikely to be a respiratory illness, I think it's likely that the two complaints are unconnected.

Guinea pigs sneeze and cough quite often; they are always shoving their noses around their cage to look for food, and the woodshavings and hay can cause them to cough or sneeze. So long as there's no liquid coming from your girl's nose, eyes, or ears then you don't need to worry.

One of my guinea pigs lost his voice in his old age; one day he simply could no longer squeak! This could have happened to your pggy too, but it seems unlikely in a young animal.

Of course, the sneezing and whispering could be connected and if so, I think the most likely cause is an allergy. Try changing her bedding to a different brand or a different type, for example Megazorb. Whilst most guinea pigs live happily in a bedding of newspaper and woodshavings, others have allergies and will be miserable unless they are kept in a safe bedding that doesn't affect them.

If you are concerned, take her to see a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet. He or she may be able to advise further, after examining your baby.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions; just ask!
