Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Jumpy new guinea pig

Jumpy new guinea pig

21 13:51:17

I had guinea pigs in high school, all of whom readily allowed me to pick them up, even a high-strung, irritable boar.

I've had Jeremy about 3 weeks (30 years later).  He acts like a Mexican jumping bean the instant I even try to pet the top of his nose -- except for when he tries to sharpen his teeth on my fingertip!

Whenever I try to pick him up (a favorite event for my long-gone pig friends), he kicks the palm of my hand hard, then dives back into his cage.  

To clean his cage, I have to wait till he's in his little sleeping box, then pick up the box with him in it.  He doesn't mind my holding him when he's in his box, either -- unless I lay a finger on his little person!

Otherwise, he seems quite happy to be here -- demands food, will take food from me directly with no hesitation, plays in (and with) his tunnel, bats his ball, grooms himself normally, etc.

Am I using the wrong deodorant, or what??  Or is he just prejudiced against men over 50?  (Something I can't help, alas!)  Or ???

I don't even unnerve our very skittish box turtle -- help!  


Hello Chris!
Haha! That was defiantly the most comical question I have gotten since I started in October!
I suggest giving it some time and seeing if he has the same reaction to other people. I once had a guinea pig a while back named Sweet-pea (ironic?)who must have had something against 18 year olds. She liked me more over time but it took me a good 5 months until I could pet her with my whole hand.
So my diagnoses is: He is scared of you. He probably thinks you are trying to attack him and make him into bacon.
My prescription: Time. Time and treats. I'm sure he must love treats right? Like say treat you wont let go of until he come all the way up to you to take it?