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my guinea pig have bald patches

21 14:05:24

hi, i have 2 guinea pigs they are going to be 7 this year one of them  is fine and a bit fat but not over weight, but the other one has been getting skinnier  in the past to years but now she has started to lose some hair of her back. is this something to do with her age or is it something else and i there any creams or treatment that we can do for her???????? please help bye!

Dear Natalie
well done for getting a guinea pig to almost 7 years old,thats old!
You could buy a cream called SUDOCREAM its for nappy rash in babies and is very cheap from the chemist and perfectly safe for guinea pigs.
Rub a little bit of the cream on the thin area of her back just incase its itching.
It could be to do with old age.If you have any worries please get back in touch