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skin care

21 14:46:28

I purchased my female, short-haired guinea pig in November, 2003 after my son's long-haired one passed away.  This one appeares to have a skin problem, she has 2 fairly large scabs behind one ear and one smaller one behind the other.  The pet store suggested that there may have been mites in the bedding.  I have noticed that she does scratch more that the late "Elvis", and I offered shelled sunflower seeds to supply some oil, she was not too impressed.  I add vitamins to her water 3 times/week and we keep her cage clean.  The pet store sent my husband home with some flea, etc. spray and I am extremely hesitant to cover her with a pesticide, to say nothing about the trauma of the application.  What else can I do?  She is a precious little girl, extremely friendly and loveable, which I fear will pass if we traumatize her with this method of getting rid of the bugs.  I was surprised that mites could come in bedding and then survive as I store it in an unused, unheated entry way and we've had freezing weather that I would have assumed killed any bugs.  Also, tell me what products you use and feed your pigs, as I am always open to suggestions and don't care about any additinal cost.  Thank you.  

To be all honest with you, she likely had them from the pet store.  I have never heard of them coming from fresh bedding.  I would go to the vet and get a mite dip for her.  As this is what is going to be the best route and then yes you will need to clean the cage before putting her back in.  I always keep mine bathed in Johnsons baby shampoo.  This helps with their skin and kills fleas to.  I'm not sure it would work on mites though.  As for food I always feed guinea pig food along with fresh vegitables each day.  I never used vitamins.  Just always made sure I had vitamin C enriched food.  