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A guinea pig being in love with a cat

21 14:44:58

I have 5 guinea pigs and 3 cats.

 One of my older males Shamus(1 uear and a few months) loves my cat Noel. She lays in his cage and hides in his hay. I am NOt worried that hs e will bite because she has been around guinea pigs all her life. The first day we brt safeought her home she tried to nurs off one of my females! it was so cute.
      Well do you think that this is normal (well I know it is not normal), But is safe

   HE runs around her and makes the male purring sound ands she seems to like it so I let her lay in the cage. When the cage is closed she lays on the top and sleeps


Hello Samantha

If the cat shows no intrest in trying to scratch or bite the piggies then it should be ok as long and you watch them. Maybe she was weaned too young adn went to the guinea pigs for companionship as if they were other cats, maybe she thinks they are jsut other cats or kittens and enjoys hangingout with them, either way be sure that they are supervised during visits.