Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what should I do with my pregnant guinea pig?

what should I do with my pregnant guinea pig?

21 14:12:35

My guinea pig is very pregnant, and should be having her babies in a week or two, there a 4 other guinea pigs, 1 girl and 3 males, should I take her away from them and put her in box, away from the others?? so that she is alone?
I know guinea pigs love to be with each other. so what do I do? she had been getting pretty snappy with all the others, so I have put her in a box, so far. and put her in a room where she can hear the birds and the outside noises.


So sorry for just now getting back to you. Been working overtime at work this last week.

Your pregnant girl will either prefer to be alone or have the other girl with her. It is best that she be away from the males right now, so put her in a box and see if she won't mind having the other girl with her. If she is to snappy with her then just leave her to herself until after the babies are 3 weeks in age. Some mom Guinea Pigs prefer to be alone others prefer to have a girl or to with them. It just depends on the Guinea Pig.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,