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Looking at getting a Guinea Pig

21 14:05:49

I am looking at getting a Guinea Pig, but I have a lot of questions.  For example, when do they sleep?  Are they nocturnal?  I have a six year old and a two year old, will they be alright with the guinea pig, or should I wait until they are older?  I am also worried about how much attention they need.  I am gone all day working, will it be okay without anyone around for that many hours?  I also travel on the weekends, can the guinea pig come with me, or is it better for it to stay at home?  Do they travel well?  I guess I'm just trying to figure out if it will fit into our lives comfortably.  I wouldn't want to get one and then find out that I can't give it what it needs.

I would say guinea pigs are easy to look after, they are nocturnal, but not like hamsters. They do not hide during the day to sleep, they just need light to rest!
Depending on how much attention you give them will depend on how they will be with children, and the amount of attention you give your guinea pig is up to you? If you buy two they will cope happily on their own as long as you feed and water them. One on his own will need more attention obviously.
All day working is an issue. If you know what the weather is going to be like get a secure outside run for them, and possibly one of those igloos pet shops have for safety.
Going away at weekends?
Well I don't really know, each guinea pig travels differently, but like humans, once they get used to the travel box and understand what goes on, they will be fine, but they may get stressed the first few times, so prepare, however some guinea pigs are fine and sit silently for the whole journey. Just make sure you have enough food and water, and don't keep him cooped up in a box for endless hours!

It sounds like a busy life, and I'm not sure how well they would fit in I am afraid, if you sound like you can take a bit of time to look after them, they can become lovely little friends. Mine have never bitten me and young children hold them all the time and are also fine!

I think with young children guinea pigs will always grow up well as they have that constant attention and petting from little people, who seem to want to spend more time stroking the guinea pig and holding him in their laps than they want to do the shopping or even watch TV!
