Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what do you think of this cage??

what do you think of this cage??

21 13:46:57

Hi Cindy,

I was doing some browsing online and found a website for a self-cleaning guinea pig cage. I am going to attach the website to this message so maybe you can check it out. I wanted to get an expert's opinion on this cage style- there are definitley some things about it that make me nervous- like there are no walls...but if you read the "how it works" section, most of these non-traditional designs are explained. I have 3 guinea pigs- would this work for me?  Just curious what your opinion might be.


WOW, sounds like a good idea but, it wouldn't work for me.  LOL!  I understand the slant idea and the vortex. Still no thanks.  First of all, piggies run and jump and climb!  Mine run around all the time and then they would be loose in a minute! But, the piggies could get hurt jumping off or slip down that opening.  Its too expensive and I do not see it as a feasible solution.  Stick to cages.  Also don't use the cages with the open bottoms/wire.  These lead to bumble foot.  I would not waste my money! Please remember this is only my opinion, but I would not spend my money on these items.  Cindy