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Hair Loss...URGENT !!

21 13:48:55

Hi there, i am from India and i recently got my first cavy.i noticed that she has got lice .she started scratching very badly and i gave her a bath using grinded neem and johnson baby shampoo.The body scratching has reduced but she still scratches her face and there is loss of hair in both her front this because of fungus or lice ? if it is fungus can i use Arcolane dandruff shampoo which has ketoconazole 2% ? or should i use Nizoral ? How do i stop the hair loss. there is no use in taking her to a vet as there are no specialized vet here. thanks in advance.

Nizoral is for fungus and will do no good. Neither will baby shampoo or Ketoconazole, which is a steroid cream. You need a spray or dip made specifically for lice. Here in the US it's available at any pet store. I'm not sure what your availabilty is where you are.  You can also order these things online.

See if you can find either of those things that are made for use on puppies and kittens. Get one that contains Pyrethrins or Premethrins. Those are organic mixtures that are safe around children as well as the environment. Stay away from bug spray items that are made for the garden. They're toxic to small animals.

If you get a spray you want to aplly it all over your pig. Be careful not to get it in the eyes.  Just put your hand over the pig's face while you're spraying. Get him really wet with the spray. Then let him drip dry.  Don't try to towel dry him. I use a product called Adams Spray.

If you get a dip mix it according to the directions on the bottle by putting some warm water in a container or sink about three inches deep, and add the dip. Put the pig in it and gently pour the liquid over him until he's soaking wet.  

Again, the secret to success is to allow him to drip dry. No hair dryer or towel dry. Just put him on a dry towel and let him dry by himself.  That should take care of the lice with just one treatment.

Good luck to you. It's easier to correct than it seems, so don't be afraid of it.