Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Scabs on piggy?

Scabs on piggy?

21 14:40:37

Two days ago, I noticed a fairly large scab, (about the size of two sesame seeds put together)
at the spot where her front leg starts, near her ear. The next day I found one about the same size but longer, just on the edge of the spot on her ear where there is a large patch of skin and no fur. Is this some sort of fungal infection? Is there anything I should use or should I just take her to the vet?  

Hi Catherine

It sounds like something one of my piggy has recently had, which is mites.

There is a treatment you can buy to treat it yourself but I can't remember the name. Give you vet a call and they will tell you the name I'm sure.

Hope that helps.
