Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > diarehea


21 14:35:21

hi laura,
my guinea is 7 months old and in this week he lost a lot of weight and yesterday i found blood in his house , he is making blood in his toilet and he is dropping saliva from his mouth too ,what can i do im really worried!!!

my ginnie has his brother to with him and he is ok  


You really need to get your guinea to the vets. Losing weight is the first warning sign. The blood in his 'toilet' is serious, especially if it is clots of blood or pure blood. The excessive drooling indicates a dental problem.

The only thing I can really suggest is getting to a vet. Only a qualified veterinarian's advice will be good enough to help you. Any medical problem of this scale must be taken to an emergency vet for a chance of your guinea recovering.

Good luck.

- Laura