Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 2 male brothers. One wont stop mounting the other

2 male brothers. One wont stop mounting the other

21 14:10:43

i have two male pigs. They will be 1 years old in February. The last 4 months or so the smaller of the two will not stop mounting the other one. The big one tries to get away most of the time but seems to be afraid. I am actually trying to find a new home for them both and I don't want to seperate them. Is there anything I can do to stop this from going on?

Hi Maureen

I had a similar question the other day and I explained that this was one pig establishing dominance over the other. However, it is very unusual for it to go on for so long.

It is unlikely that the larger pig is scared as such as the typical response for a pig that doesnt like the behaviour would be to be aggressive.

There is some evidence that neutering solves the problem but I never advocate this. As a first step, I would suggest giving both pigs a bath to hide their scent. Please come back to me to let me know what happens.
