Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Smell


21 14:10:30


My guinea pig just recently had babies about a month ago, and the smell has grown quite a bit. We were cleaning the cage once a week but now it seems that's not enough. We've even lined the cage bottom. Is there any trick to eliminating this smell while we are trying to find the young ones a new home?

what are you using for bedding? I have found Carefresh is best, especially the carefresh that is white or colored. There are actually some productsthat you can buy that are awesome at reducing odor.
My favorite is Marshall's small animal bi-odor. You only need a few pumps per water bottle and it reduces the urine odor a lot. It is wonderful and it may take a week or so to work, but it's wonderful.
Another thing that's really helpful is using  a mixture of carbon and ammonia chips. Just sprinkle a little under the cage bedding. It really helps. I use all of these and I can tell the difference when I'm not using them.
The mixture of carbon and ammonia chips you can find in any aquarium aisle. It really helps reduce odor and ammonia smell.
I hope this helps.