Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Obese guinea pig

Obese guinea pig

21 14:07:58

I am very worried about one of our guinea pigs. She is very fat and we have only now started to reduce the amount of seed she has. But today I noticed that she doesn't seem to be able to walk on her back feet properly - they seem to mostly just drag. What should I do?

Hi Maryanne

A guinea pig has to be seriously fat to warrant a diet.

However, based on what you tell me about the feet, I would seriously advise you to seek vetinary advice as she might have the foot condition pododermatitis (a fungal infection treated with antibiotics) or have some kind of temporary or longer lasting paralysis. The third option is that she may be overweight.

If you like, you can tell me how much she weighs.
