Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Our baby piggy sounds upset

Our baby piggy sounds upset

21 14:18:41

QUESTION: I have had hamsters very successfully ever since I was a little girl.  I recently got my son an 8 week old guinea pig.  We are very gentle and affectionate with Coco, but when we have her out of her cage she makes a whining noise that almost sounds like the upset sounds a hamster makes.  I've been listening to sound clips online and my gut says this is an upset sound.  BUT her demeaner is calm, cuddly and relaxed.  She's sitting on the couch next to me right now all puffed up and relaxed looking, but is continuously whining.  She is affectionate with me, sitting on my shoulder, buried in my hair and licking my neck.  She also calms down when I scratch behind her ears...Could I be reading the signs wrong one way or the other?  She seems much happier in her cage or running around the bedroom floor...Please help!!  We love her already and want her to be happy.
ANSWER: Hello Heather, if she's calm and making that whining noise she may be excited. Guinea pigs do make a shrill noise a lot of times when they are happy and excited. Sometimes you would think they are hurting but they are really happy. Have you heard her purr yet? It's a low sound that's deep and many people find it very weird when they purr. It sounds like she's happy. :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, I did a little experiment and played happy guinea pig sounds from the internet to her.  She really liked that.  I kept her out for a while today, sleeping on the couch next to me while I worked.  She did calm down after a while.  I suspect she's still adapting to the change and we are going to have to be patient.  My kids are 6 an 8, so even though they are excellent with small animals, it's gotta be stressful for her.  Thank you and I'll keep you posted.  

Awwwww... I love it when guinea pigs have fun reactions to sounds that are played for them. It will take a while for your guinea pig to adjust to it's new surroundings and you are very lucky to have a guinea pig so affectionate. Guinea pigs are one of the sweetest animals you can have. They are also the most amusing. When they recognize their favorite person or they see their favorite bag of food they will start to popcorn around. One lady thought her guinea pig was hurt or sick everytime she would come to the cage but she realized that her guinea pig only got that excited when she would hold up the bag of guiena pig food, so she realized he was more excited to see the food than her lol. I think you are doing an awesome job with your guinea pig. Lots of hay, vitamin C, room and love are the best things for any animal. :)