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Guinea Pig Breathing Noises

21 13:44:51

Dear Dr. VanAllen,
My daughter has a 6 month old female guinea pig.  We keep her in the laundry room, which is rather large.  It is not a drafty area as I have closed the vent.  Yesterday we noticed what sounds like heavier breathing coming from "Peanut."  I would describe it as kind of a squeaky breathing noise.  It seems somewhat intermittent, but she does this as she is resting in her little igloo.  Her appetite is good and she seems otherwise normal.  Is this something to be concerned about?  I haven't noticed it prior, but maybe I just missed it.  I'm not sure.  I usually notice every little thing going on.  Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you,

I suppose I need to change my profile to Patricia instead of just Pat. The common misconception is that I am a Mr, not a Mrs. Not a problem, it's an understandable mistake.

As for the breathing sounds in Peanut they are very likely normal sounds. Just about any pig you pick up and put to your ear will have a bit of a clicking sound coming from the chest. Infections in the lungs usually show other symptoms along with a respiratory illness such as runny noses, dull look to the eyes and the most definitive symptom of illness...... loss of appetite.

I doubt there is any reason for a vet unless she's showing some sign of not feeling well.  For guinea pigs that sign is typically the loss of appetite first. As long as she's still got a good appetite and is drinking as usual there is little chance that you're hearing anything other than a normal breath sound.

I have nearly 60 pigs and at any given time I can randomly pick up whomever happens to be close, put their rib cage to my ear and hear the same thing. Most pigs are much like other animals in that their coat will also appear dull and rough when they're not feeling well. But the appetite always seems to be best indicator of how they feel.