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Guinea Pig Sore Leg.

21 13:51:54

My guinea pig Peanut is one year old. About four months ago she seemed to hurt her leg because my rabbit sat on her. From then her leg seemed to get better and she went back to normal. Now she has been living with our other guinea pig for awhile and she can't put weight on her back leg. its weird and its the same leg that she hurt a while back. she doesn't move much like she used to. She can still walk but she limps. When you pick her up she also seems to squeak in pain. My other guinea pig doesn't do this.. Otherwise this I would say shes happy. She loves carrots and food! I love her so much. I was going to bring her to the vet but I live in a small town and theres no small animal vets. I figured that a regualr vet couldn't really do anything because she is a small guinea pig. Should I rap a band-aid around her foot to support it? I don't know what to do. Please help asap! I love her and I don't want her to die or be in pain.

Make sure your guinea is still eating and drinking. Take her out and put her on a flat surface and watch her walk, see if she is in pain to walk or limping. When you pick her up do it very carefully and cup your hand under her belly and around her rump so you don't hurt the leg as you pick her up. If she still runs around as usual then she won't be paralysed or very hurt and you should leave her to rest for a couple of days, give her plenty of vitamin c. I would advise going to the local vet anyway and see if they can suggest anything but if they just say to put her down the say your going to look for a second opinion(unless she is in lots of pain) and look for a small animal vet(the nearest you can find to your town.)I wouldn't suggest wrapping a bandage round her leg as you may wrap it wrong, if you find you do wrap it round and it helps then I would leave it on. I can't really be of more help in the bandage area as I wouldn't want to do something wrong. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.