Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Bushie is Meanie

Bushie is Meanie

21 14:17:35

Hi there! I have two guinea pigs, Squeakers and Bush, who are both males. Bush is very shy, and runs away a lot... Squeakers is healthy and friendly, but Bush is the problem.

From the sound of my footsteps, Bush hides in his hidey box, and Squeakers comes out and begs to be petted. I feel sorry for Bush, so I offer him a treat, and he runs away. I drop the treat in his cage, and I walk away, and I hide where he can't see me. When he feels safe, he comes out and eats the carrot. He is so nervous of me. I really want to bond with him, can you tell me how, because as soon as I try to touch him, he runs around like mad and tries to get away from me.  

Hi Raymond

Its perfectly normal for piggies to run away from humans, but some are more shy than others. I have a pig that is very skittish and the only way I managed to calm him was to pick him up, even though he struggled and spend a lot of time with him on my knee petting him. Gradually, you will find they become more trusting.

Perhaps have both pigs on your lap at the same time.
