Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Do i separate them?

Do i separate them?

21 14:17:01

I have had my two female guinea pigs Spike and Cookie for about 6 weeks now. Spike is about 16 weeks and Cookie is 14 weeks. They were the best of friends until recently Spike started acting strange. She walks around the cage in slow motion making a rumbling sound and sometimes snaps at Cookie. Some of the time they are fine but Spike has completely changed. Today they were out in the garden in their run and Spike snapped at Cookie and made her ear bleed. Cookie still goes up to Spike all the time trying to be her friend. Do I separate them? Is there a way i can make them friends again? They are not litter mates. Cookie does not seem to be scared of Spike and I think she would be lonely on her own

Hi Trish

If its got to the stage where one pig is making the other bleed then really you should separate them. Once pigs decide they dont like another there is very little that can be done.

To avoid them being lonely you could put them in houses next to each other so they can still interact.

good luck
