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guinea pig grease gland

21 14:04:42

Hello, today was very hot so i decided to take my guinea pig her little bath and cut her hair short. I placed in her little bath like i always do (3 times a year a bathe and cut her) and she loved it!. I saw a little while ball floating in the water. I touched the back of her and saw it was a white grease ball that had come out of there-i threw some water there and saw she had alot of white stuff around it and it looked red with a little blood-can you help me in telling me if this is normal?it never happened before. She is 4 years old almost 5. I finished her bath and cut her hair and she seemed ok. I have not seen any change in any of her habits....thank you!!!!Her name is gorda gorda!

Dear Paola
I wouldnt worry about it,Gorda Gorda is obviously a very well cared for little piggy.
Just remember to keep her living area clean during this hot weather to avoid the risk of fly strike and keep her nice and cool.
I fill a soda bottle with water and freeze it then wrap it in a towel and let the piggies lay next to it - they love it