Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Previous Unanswered Question

Previous Unanswered Question

21 13:51:45

Dear Mr. Bury,  Our Guinea pig died TODAY!!!  Hence, you have never answered our question before and I only registered today.  I'm not sure if you have me confused with another person, or if you simply do not have an answer.  Before I bothered you, I did a 2 hour search of your archives to be sure the answer was not available from other person's questions/experience. If you do have an answer to why they may have died the way they did (despite 3 vet appts in 5 days), I would appreciate knowing it so that future guineas do not suffer the same fate.  Thanks.

Hello, Kristina. I am VERY sorry about your guinea pig! I will be sure to try my best to find a reason why if you resend the question. I do not think I got it, because I have no other pending questions and answered every one of them. I think it may have gotten lost in the system, I do not know conclusively though as I did not make the site, only volunteer for it. Also if this helps, I had the vet perform a post-death exploratory surgery on Rhinestone's (My guinea pig, up in heaven with yours now) body, and if you buried your piggy whole or brought his/her body to the vets to be cremated, if you call them and ask really nicely they may do the same. For closure.

Hope this helps,