Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is my guinea sick or maybe bored and needs a friend?

is my guinea sick or maybe bored and needs a friend?

21 14:09:48

I recently acquired a male guinea pig. he's approximately 9 months- 1 yr old. he was purchased from a pet store so not sure how much handling he had. I've had him about a month now. I notice he seems to whine almost as if in some sort of pain or discomfort and when i hold him sometimes i hear small clicking sound between inhale and exhale when holding close to me, then can go into the teeth chattering sound. the whining noise is when he's laying in his cage not when picked up. also i noticed he makes odd sounds and seems to shake when he tries to rest. what might be the problem ?

Hi Janice

Based on what you tell me I would strongly advise a trip to the vet as it sounds like a respiratory infection to me and he will need some antibiotics.

I would say get the infection treated first then we can think about getting him a friend.
