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Seperate them or not?

21 13:46:14

So I have3 boars I had bailey the oldest first then bought lucky which was younger and they hit out off them I bought teddy amd they seemed to aggre to disagree . Then after a month teddy and bailey hate eachother.they have fought taken out fur.ect no blood though. But they lunged au eachother and teeth chattered. Lucky is neutral he doesn't get involved and get along fine with both. I should mention that I recently changed there food bowls into one big food dispenser feeder.and that bailey is american breed lucky not sure but he has a fountain looking split on his head and teddy is a texel. Now I just took then all a bath together and am lettng them roam around the bathroom I haven't seen then fight or lunge only heard occasional purrs it's ben an hr should I put them back in the cage together I did get rids of asl odors changed asl fleece food and water should i separate or put then back together my cage is a c&c cage 58 inches long and 27 wide

well the bigger the cage then the better and if they have a food bowl each, a hidey hole each and a water dispenser each then it does help so it is likely that you removing them caused this. boars need space more so than females do and the more scattered stuff is then the easier it is for them to have some alone time. they wont tend to fight in the bath partly because of the fear of it all, but also because it is a scent free space, a neutral territory. when you place two guinea pigs in a new place neither has a territorial claim so they tend to get along. you could try cleaning their cage out and spraying everywhere with a mild disinfectant. in the end, as long as the conditions are right they will get along fine. a good tip i would build if you can an upstairs and have food and water on both floors. so when they are getting a little scrappy they can each be out of each others sight. in the end though you'll have to let them settle their score, one boar has to be the boss.