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runny eyes and sneezing

21 13:49:54

I got a new guinea pig about a week and a half ago and the first week I had him his eyes were really runny and he was sneezing a lot so I took him to the vet to be safe. The vet gave him an antibiotic and it cleared up for about two days. However it's returned now. He also seems to be itching a lot is it possible he is allergic to his shavings? If not I don't know what else to do because I can't afford a $123 vet bill every week

while the vet is the best option i understand that 123 is too much for a guinea pig. If it is not an illness then the shavings and possibly the hay are the most likly cause.

it would be best, at least while trying to find out what is wrong with him to stop using the shavings. also try to use timothy hay or an oat based hay, other sorts can harm your guinea pig. if it clears up then you know it is the shavings which you should still be able to use, but make sure there is a layer of hay on top of the sawdust to stop the small particles flying up into the air.

it might also be worth investing in some eye drops as what is most lilkly to be making them runny are small shaving particles stuck in them, eye drops might speed up his recovery.

all of this is of course assuming that he is not ill.