Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > male guinea

male guinea

21 14:34:20

I just bought my son his first guinea and the poor thing is sick and gone back to be treated for 2 weeks.  I was going to buy him another one and then he could keep both.  I was told males can't live together or male with female!  Is this true?  Can male live with male or female?  can a female be fixed if she can live with a male?  I've never seen my son so sad, please help!!!

Thank You,

Hi Sam

You are much more likely to be able to keep two males together if they are both young, but expect some scuffles (nothing serious) whilst they decide which one is boss. Sometimes, two males just doesnt work.

If you plan to keep a male with a female you are better to get the male fixed as this is a more cost-effective procedure. If you need more info on neutering please feel free to write back.

Good luck
