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Hello!I have a 5 month old...

21 14:46:16

I have a 5 month old male (Biggles) and we just got him a new baby buddy(Elmo) 2 and a half weeks ago.
We introduced them in a neutral territory yesterday and today.
It went very well. Biggles did do some butt nugging, soft squeaks, lots of smelling, some nugging and mounting for about the first 45 min. and they they both just settled down and talked to eachother nicely.
When I take them apart they go crazy calling out for eachother.
My question is when is it safe to put Elmo into Biggles cage?
Thanks so much!

P.S. They are both boys for sure.


You have done so much correctly thus far - I'm glad to see that! The next step is to make the neutral territory smaller. Their behavior that you described (butt nugging) is perfectly normal. What I always do next is fence off a small area in the living room (maybe 5' by 5' the first time) and see how they do in that small space. Eventually (I usually span it out into a one or two week period) fence off an area in the living room (or any other neutral territory) that is about the size of your cage. Then when you finally decide to put Elmo into Biggles' cage, make sure you have two of everything - water bottles, food bowls, treats, etc. This will keep them from fighting. Eventually, you'll be able to go back to having just one.

In the meantime, while they are separated, have them closeby one another. If they can't be in the same cage for right now, let the two cages be close so they can still smell each other and talk back and forth.

Good luck with the new pig!