Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i think my guinea pig is sick

i think my guinea pig is sick

21 13:48:13

for the past 2 days my smaller guinea pig doesn't move much and doesn't seem to be eating. i have checked his teeth. i'm scared he is going to die soon. and i do not know what to do

I'm sorry to hear that your pig is ill and I wish I could say exactly what it is.  I can't tell you why he is sick, only that it sounds like he is indeed feeling very bad.

Sometimes after the age of four they start declining as old age sets in. If he's still a young pig there could be any number of reasons. When a guinea pig stops eating that's always a red flag sign. You might try offering him some parsley or lettuce to see if he's interested at all in that.

Typically if the front teeth are overgrown you would see it when you check the teeth. However, the back teeth are very difficult to see. If the back teeth are overgrown we often see some drooling because they cannot chew well enough to swallow all their food.

It would be very helpful to know if this is a baby or is this a grown pig. When you say "smaller pig" does that mean one of a litter or you have a couple of grown pigs and he's just the smallest?

I know this isn't very helpful to you and I do regret not being able to tell you exactly what it is that's wrong. That's the very hardest part of being a member of this group. We can't always pinpoint a problem just by a description.  But I do think you are correct, something is not right with this little guy and I am only able to guess what might help him.

Keep offering him veggies like lettuce and parsley. If he shows an interest in them it's still possible it's a teeth issue and a vet could trim them for you. If he shows no interest in food it's a more serious issue and you should take him to your vet.

I will keep my fingers crossed that this is something simple that he will get over.