Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My piggy might be a mute.

My piggy might be a mute.

21 14:33:45

I got a guinea pig a little over a week ago from a Petco.  I got her checked out (she's no specific breed, just a shorthair) by a vet, and she received a clean bill of health.  What I'm worried about is that I've heard her rumblestrut one time to my other guinea pig, but have heard her utter no noises since that point (which was the night after the vet visit, when she was first meeting my other pig), even when provoked (I have stroked her fur backwards to try to get her to complain, and she does nothing but jerk around, like a regular pig, just silently).  She does not cough, sneeze, or show any signs of respiratory distress.  And the vet said she was fine, and that was only a week ago.  Nothing else has changed.  I'm slightly concerned, but she doesn't seem to be distressed or sick - so I'm just wondering if you've heard of a mute guinea pig?  Or if you could ask around, as I'm sure your circle of sources is much greater and more knowledgable than mine.  Thanks!

Hi Bonnie,

As you've only had your piggy for a week I wouldn't be too concerned. It can take quite a few months for a piggy to fully settle down into their new home.
She'll be wheeking for food when you rustle a plastic bag before you know it!

Just give her time, and if she doesn't get very vocal then she is probably just a naturally quiet piggy.

Best Wishes,

- Laura