Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my guinnea pig going into labor?

Is my guinnea pig going into labor?

21 14:11:23

I have a guinnea pig and she is about 6 months old.  I know she bred on 7/19/07.  I palpated her and felt 2 balls.  I have separated her from the male.  She is now not wanting to move around alot and keeps licking herself.  She has also piled her bedding to one side of the cage.  Is she getting ready to have her babies?  If so how soon will she have them?  She is 59 days today.

Hi Lori

It does sound as if your piggy is preparing for the birth. Pregnancy usually lasts for 66-72 days so I guess it will take place during the next week or so.

24-48 hours before the birth you will probably see her pelvic bones part slightly.
