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Is he gagging? Or maybe a hairball?

21 14:13:24

My oldest, Preston, has been making odd sounds. I noticed it last week, it has only happened a few times, and it sounds like he gagged or choked. But he wasn't eating or drinking. I thought that it was a sneeze or something. This morning he was climbing up to get his veggies, as he does every day, and he slipped a little on the wall of the cage (not hurt or anything) and when he did he made that sound. It freaked me out so bad. I am not sure what is going on.

He hasn't been himself lately. He hasn't been sleeping on his hut lately, and he always does. He has been sleeping in the same place in the cage for a little while now. I wasn't too concerned because he is still eating and drinking (getting up to do both) and he still purrs like crazy when I hold him, and when they get their daily floor time he runs and jumps like normal. He is still coming up and jumping on the side of his cage when the baby notices I have opened the fridge.

I am still concerned about the noise he made though. Any thoughts? I am figuring that he is sleeping in the same spot because it is directly under or ceiling fan, and they both seem to enjoy the sir blowing on them (it's on a low setting and off at night) and it keeps him cool since we don't have central air.

Hello Preston,
it's possible that he could have had something stuck in his throat or a hairball. I do believe they have laxatives for guinea pigs that you can try giving. I honestly couldn't give you any idea of what it could possibly be though other than a hairball. If it was going on for long periods of time then I'd be worried, but since it's only happaned a few times I honestly don't know what to think.