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Recent guinea pig delivery

21 14:41:40

Our GP just gave birth last night to 3 pups. She seems to be obsessed with tugging fur around backend. Fur is coming out and skin is raw. Can we take her out of cage and give her a bath? Put a salve on it? We don't want to disrupt her time with pups too early. When can we touch mom/and or pups? Sorry for all the questions!

Glenna --

Don't worry about all the questions -- I'd rather you ask them than accidentally harm your pet.  As for the hair pulling, this is a common situation with new mothers.  If the skin is raw, I would recommend treating it with neosporin to prevent infection -- just make sure its in a location where she can't eat it.  If she can, don't use it, instead, just wash it with soap and water.  The hair tugging should stop within a day or two.  If it doesn't, I would call the vet to find out if he has some sort of "bitter apple" suitable for guinea pigs.  I know they sell it in some form at pet stores, but I've always gotten mine from the vet because I think it's stronger.

Hope this answers all your questions.  If you have more, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Good luck with your new pups!
