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Advantage dose for lice

21 13:53:43

I have done some research on treating my pigs for lice and found that Advantage seems to be the best treatment. However when calculating the dose I am given a measurement in mg (22mg to be exact) but the Advantage comes in ml and my syringe is also in ml.Can you help me with the conversion? My gpigs weigh 2.5 & 2.25 lbs. Thank you! June

Hi June,

I would actually disagree that Advantage is the best treatment, and would strongly urge you to pay a visit to - where they sell handmade aromatherapy products especially for guinea pigs. Harsh chemical and drug treatments can often upset guinea pigs' sensitive skin and/or delicate digestive systems and I have found that the product from this website called Lice and Easy is not only gentle on my piggies' skin, but also more effective than traditional treatments, and it's much cheaper too!

You can literally see the mites/lice falling off - though for a stubborn case you can use two applications (as it's herbal, there's no overdose!). On the website there is also an 'identification' section so you can check that your piggies do have lice and not a different skin complaint.

I hope this helps, good luck with the treatment, and let me know if you have any other questions.
