Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Why is my guinea pig acting so shy?

Why is my guinea pig acting so shy?

21 14:06:23

Hi Jenny, My names John and I have 2 guinea pigs and I have had them for about 6 weeks. When ever i try picking them up or pet them, they start squeaking and then run away and hide in their little hut. I give them at least 2 hours of floor time every day, I give them lots of attention, and feed them veggies and treats all the time. Is there a reason why there acting so shy?

Hi John,

Guinea pigs are nervous creatures by nature; they are preyed upon in the wild. It sounds like you're doing all the right things; just keep giving them lots of attention and they'll warm to you eventually. When you do hold them - hold them together on your lap so they feel less afraid.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions - just ask!
