Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Exercise


21 13:46:50

My guinea pigs are really fat. I want to give them exercise but when I put them down all the do is sit there. I tried giving them like a little play course but they just climbed inside the tubes I made and sat there (trust me, they did NOT want to come out).
They also eat the new paper that lines their cage. I try to keep hay in the cage at all times but even when there is hay in there they still chew on the news paper. I thought they might be doing this because they are bored but I've got no idea.
Thanks so much:)

You can first of all, I am assuming that neither one is pregnant.  So, perhaps you can give them more free play time along with cutting down on the amount of treats.  I do not feed commercial treats, just fruits and veggies.  Yes, they will chew on anything so get them some of the wooden toys  that are available in most pet stores.  You may want to switch you grasses from alfalfa to meadow grass or alternate timothy and meadow.  Question, are you giving them cooked veggies from the table as that is a big NO.  Basically no human food, they can't digest it.  Also, if possible, I would take them outside and let them play.  They would probably also love to make some new human friends.  Since my animals are therapy animals, I love to take them out with me.  Give them a lifestyle change!  Change their environment, give them some new friends to impress and all that may help.