Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > wry neck

wry neck

21 14:24:48

I work for a pet store and I just adopted a baby pig who had some major health issues when he got to our store.  He was treated for lice and pnemonia.  During the pnemonia treatment he started getting the twisted neck/off balance thing.  He was treated for I would say at least 2 months.  Our vet thinks he will permanently have this wry neck.  Is there anything I should do other than give him a good home?

Hi Bonnie,

    A tilted head and off-balance are caused by bacterial inner ear infections and can be fixed with prompt treatment with antibiotics.
    I have done some research and found that this type of ear infection is indeed caused by respiratory problems.  I suggest that you inform your vet of this, or find one more experienced in small animal medicine.
    More information can be found at this site (click the "pneumonia" link on top"

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig, and let me know how things work out (=

                                              - Nicole