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Taming and toilets

21 14:34:23

Two questions really. One of our pigs will happily sit for hours on my lap having her ears stroked and chatting. The other, however, if she sits at all, becomes rapidly fretful and fidgety, and very difficult to handle. Is there anything we can do to make her tamer in our laps? They were bought together and have been treated the same...indeed Horace (she is a girl!) was handled more as a small baby, as hse needed extra feeding.

The other quesiton...they wee for England, so I have put a corner loo in their cage. I filled it with soiled litter which worked a treat for our hamster, but they aren't catching on. How can I persuade them to use it?  

Hi Kim

Pigs are basically individuals, so some are more tame than others. My 3 boys differ in this regard too. The only way to solve this is really to keep handling horrace and gradually she will trust you more.

In terms of a toilet, I have never had any joy potty training my pigs so I can only wish you luck.
