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Burito and Chocolate

21 14:37:49

Yes it was her nails that she had cut too close. But today chocolate has been talking to me and eating from my hand again so I figure later tonight I'll clean their cage. Poor pig. :) Ya I don't think I will be going to that groomer ever again.

what about the evaporated milk thing that she told me about is that any good for them, it's cows milk, not guinea pig milk...

Followup To
Question -
Hey Andy

Thanks again for all the answers to my previous questions.

Today i went to a groomer for the first time for my lil chocolate and the groomers cut too close and chocolate ended up bleeding I was pretty scared. The Groomer applied yellow "Sulphur" is what she called it to the cut. Chocolate didn't look very impressed with the situation, and shortly thereafter was drenched in water, I feel the experience was very traumatic for my pig, and when we got home I left them both in the cage and gave them food a lot of water Burito wasn't cut but underwent the same treatment, she is talking to me, chocolate isn't so i guess I have to wait and let her become more comfortable again. But I have to clean their cage I am afraid If I try to do it right now she might not like that very much. should I wait a bit?

and my second question is the groomer told me that Guinea Pigs's don't need water, I don't think there is a lot of truth to that, she told me all you should feed them a day is a carrot about 5 inches long and 1 1/2 inch think and a head of romain lettuce, a piece of bread that has been toasted with evaporated milk about 2 table spoons soaked into the toast.
is there truth to any of that.

I would think putting a whole head of lettuce in there they'd get too fat and not enough calcium, but I am curious to know if she is right.

Anyways I hope your holidays were good, can't wait to hear back from you :)

Answer -
Hi Samantha

I would be very careful before taking the advice of a groomer who managed to make your pig bleed. I presume you mean whilst cutting chocolate's nails?

A guinea pig absolutely does need water every day. Just giving lettuce is no good because lettuce provides little or no nutritional benefit and should only be given in small quantites as a treat.

I guess it might be an idea to leave cleaning their house for a day to let chocolate calm down a bit, the poor little thing.

Yes thanks, my holidays were good, now I look forward to my next time off work hehe.


Hi again

Sorry, I forgot to answer that one........I wouldnt dream of giving my piggies evaporated milk, or bread or most other advice given to you by the groomer.

Glad to hear chocolate is back to her old self, give her and burito a tickle from me.
