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2 pigs

21 14:19:00

Hi, I have two guinea pigs, both females, but i have been using the same cage that i used for just one. should i upgrade my cage, or keep it the same? They seem to be getting along ok, although they sometimes lunge at each other, but i have never seen them create open cuts or anything. Also, when i pet one, she makes a low cooing noise, is that a purr?

Awwwww... your guinea pigs love you and are purring. It's soo cute. I would upgrade the cage if you feel that it is to small for the two guineapigs. A guinea pig cage for two should be about 30' x 50' for two to be fully comfortable and happy, if you feel that your cage is big enough then you can keep them together. :)
Here is a link on how to make your own cage if you want to do it that way.