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Help! my Guinea pig lost weight

21 14:43:37

Please help me.  I noticed that my coronet lost weight and refuses to eat as much as she used to.  Also, she seems to be drooling.  The fur on the mouth area is wet all the time.  She receives a daily dose of vit. C  and I leave pellets in her cage.  I'm trying to pinpoint the cause and  thought it could be either because of the weather  (it's rainy season here) or because my sister let her run around the garden to eat grass which I did not do before.  

There's no vet around my area who's experienced with guinea pigs so I need all the help I can get.


Hello Lara and thanks for the question.

The grass is ok. It is actually GOOD for GPs as long as there is no pesticdes on it. What you have sounds like a CLASSIC case of malocclusion.

Malocclusion is a dental condition in GPs that causes the animals teeth to grow overlapped. If you GP's front teeth (the incisors) are underbiting, you must see a vet asap. If they are normal the molars are the cause. This is usually the case when a GP is showing a wet chin with not eating and losing weight.

Seek out an exotic/GP vet asap as it may hurt for your GP to eat.

Good luck,
PS: If this helps you out, please rate me.