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female guinea pigs

21 14:04:21

My girl piggies are now 2.5 years old and their mummies are now 3 years old.  Are they still able to conceive. If not, could we now let the old ladies and the old guys run together? This would enable us to put some together and let them have a little fun in their old age without having babies.

Hi Debbie

The Female Guinea Pigs are still able to conceive although it is very dangerous since you need to stop them from having babies at 2 years old

Also a female must have her first litter before the age of 9-12 months
If she does not her pelvic bones will fuse together and cause great stress when it is time to have them she may die and the babies may die

So it is reccomended that you leave them seperate or get the spayed/De-sexed before putting them together

Hope this has helped
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