Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > One cavy?

One cavy?

21 14:40:36

Hi there we recently bought one male guinea, not knowing that they prefer to be in pairs.  I am at home during the day with children, so I pick him up three times and then my son comes home from school and holds him while he watches t.v.  I don't want him to be lonely but we dont have room for two.  I am afraid that if we put another male in with him that they will fight and we do not have room for two cages. Am I a bad cavy owner and will he get depressed? Also he doesn't seem to be eating his pellets?  The bowl is always full.  Any ideas? Thank-you, Debbie

Hi Debbie

It is true that piggies do like the be in pairs, but as you are giving him plenty of attention, he shouldn't become lonely.

Regarding the pellets, he might just not like the brand! Perhaps try a different one. Also, give him plenty of veggies so he doesn't get bored with his food.

A slightly different point.....Do not fill his bowl up. There are 2 reasons for this. 1. You will be able to tell what he has eaten if there is less in to start with. 2. You don't want him getting too fat.
