Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Ella Is Six Weeks Old...Can I Clip Her Nails?

Ella Is Six Weeks Old...Can I Clip Her Nails?

21 14:12:33

Hi my name is Dakota I am ten and have a lot of experience with guinea pigs. However, I do have one question. My Guinea Pig, Ella, is six weeks old...can i clip her nails? I also have another question...if guinea pigs have their sister or some relative that they wont fight with in their cage to accompany them, will they pay less attention to me and become less friendly?
                   Thanks SO much,

Hi Dakota

There is no problem cutting a young piggies nails if they need cutting.

A guinea pig will be friendly according to how often they are handled. Inevitably a lone piggy will get more attention to stop it being lonely but if you give both pigs attention there is no reason why they wont become tame.
