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Pododermatitis Or So Called Bumble Foot

21 14:42:30

I need to know every thing there is to know on Pododermatitis and how to cure it. My piggy Snowball has it and has been to the vet he is on
Baytril and topical antiseptic (betadine wash) We would like to know if Carefesh is the best bedding for him to be in to?

Hello Bunnyness and thanks for the question,

Bumblefoot is caused by three things: wirebottomed cages (VERY BAD for GPs, bumblefoot will start with the "sore hocks" condition), poor sanitation and obisity. Most commonly the wirecage and obisity cause the sore hocks and open abcesses and then poor sanitation (cgae cleaning) causes a bacterial infection.

It CAN be cured and remedied with a vet's attention and treatment. Heavy doses of antibacterial drugs and washes are needed. Also, once the abcess starts healing, soaking the pet's feet in warm water with disolved Epsom Salts can make a GP feel better and break up surface infection/hardness. A pan with 4 cups of warm water to 1 tea spoon salts is good. Don't let Mr. Guinea DRINK the WATER.

Carefresh or any other recycled paper bedding product IS best but can be expensive. I would use it with maybe a SMALLER cage/pen while your friend is healing. That way you can change the bedding EVERYDAY to prevent bacterial infection.

Thanks and good luck to you,
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