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excessive drinking

21 14:28:12


my one year old male guinea pig has recently started drinking quite a lot. I had a feeling he was also eating a little less, so I took him to the vet, who checked his teeth and did all the tests with his urine. The vet said that the teeth seemed to be okay (the guinea pig has not stopped eating nor has he lost any weight) and the tests came out okay (negative for infections and normal for glucose).
The pig is now eating rather normally, but is still drinking a lot. He weights 1200g and drinks about 50ml of water per day. Is this normal (before he was drinking less - hardly 10ml per day)? I noticed he usually drinks during the night. The weather is not hot at all and he eats all his vegetables. I also changed the water bottle and the pig doesn't seem to be playing with it.
My vet said that the amount of water the pig drinks per day is perfectly normal for his weight, but I am still concerned. Should I be worried?

it does seem a lot to drink but my two girl guinea pigs drink about 125ml of water per day. i do not think it is anything to worry about as the vet has not found anything wrong with him. i do think you should be concerned. please contact me if you have any further questions.