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Pregnant Piggy - Delivery????

21 14:28:12

Hi, I have successfully bred one of my other little piggies, she was easily noticed as being pregnant lol, she only had onebaby piggy though, that was fine, she was a good mummy and the baby has grown up nice and big already, but the problem I have now is that one of my other female piggies, who is definitely pregnant, she keeps on getting bigger and bigger, bigger than the other one, thing is I'm not sure of the conception date, however, she has become quite placid and lazy if you will, probably because she is quite big, I can feel the babies moving, but I thought I did about 3-4 weeks ago as well, I know this usually means delivery is upon us, but I have felt for her pelvic bones and they do not seem to have parted a lot yet, she would probably be about half the width of my index finger spread, would you think she is due to have them within the next 2 days if not ready now? I think I just need reassurance, I am a nice and caring Daddy lol.

The babies are always due 4 weeks after the babies start moving, so she should be due about now, I would wait about 2 weeks and if she doesn't have them by that time she will need some oxytocin to stimulate labor. Other than that though you can try giving her a lot of parsely, sometimes parsely can stimulate labor if she is about due. The pelvic bones will usually spread to about 1-1 1/2 index finger widths when she is ready to deliver, unless she is older than 8 months and has never been bred before. She should be having the babies about now, but try to be patient for another 2 weeks if it takes that long, however after 2 weeks more she will need to have labor induced so she does not let her babies get too big to come through the birth canal. You can also try an increase in vitamins, sometimes this will give the mom enough energy to start labor, then she will have the babies. She is most likely being lazy now because of her belly size, my biggest litter so far was 8 babies and I know that mom didn't move around too much either in her last few wekks of pregnancy. Let me know if you have any more questions.