Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > How to prevent lice and mites in shorthaired GP???

How to prevent lice and mites in shorthaired GP???

21 14:35:37

I am thinking about getting a female guinea pig.  I just read almost every single one of your questions and answers, trying to find the answer to my question, but I can't seem to find it. My question is... How does an owner prevent lice on a guinea pig.  Because to me, if a guinea pig is secluded, and all by itself, how can it possibly get mites, lice or any other vermin on its skin.  Also another question I have is can you potty train a GP. I've heard over and over again that you can, but can it prevent stinking up your house, by not soaking into the bedding in the Gp's home?  Also, one more question, how often should i bathe and brush out my future GP's coat? And can you give me tips on grooming?  Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.  You are a big help to everyone on here, and you give out great information.  Thanks again. Bye

Hi Jennifer

Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot and I do try my best to help.

The key to good health for a piggy, including regarding skin problems is to keep their hutch nice and clean. Mites are different to lice in that they burrow under the pigs skin so this problem requires medecine that is got from the vet. So (this also answers another question you asked) I use antibacterial small animal shampoo on my pigs once every 3 months and I have never had a problem with lice or mites.

The need for grooming depends on the breed you get. I never have to groom my pigs because they are all short-haired. However, you can get animal lice combs from any pet store that are good. If you get a long haired breed you will probably have to groom her each day.

In terms of potty training.......I tried and failed to do this will my 3 boys, as they just poop and pee where they feel like it. However, the only tip I can give is to put some soiled bedding in the "potty" area and hope they just use that bit.

Take care

Andy (plus Fraser, Alfie and Barney)