Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > AHHH


21 14:11:20

QUESTION: I took your advice and got a guinea pig. It's so cute and all, but it's really annoying because it just hides in it's igloo all day and it won't eat or drink, and i think it's losing hair!! Life just seems a whole lot more stressful. HELP!!!


You need to remember that guinea pigs are prey animals so your new piggy has to be given time to settle in to its new home and it is going to be a little scared for the first week or so.

Take a look at the specific link below for help in getting your new friend to settle in.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok thank you. How come my guinea pig's losing hair? Is it because she's not drinking?

Hi Meg

Sorry, I missed that part of the question.

Take a look closely at her coat. If there is any sign of dandruff, red marks, scabs etc then its likely the problem is mites which is quite common in pigs bought from pet stores.

The only medecine for mites is ivermectin which is available from your vet. The other possible problem is a fungal infection which also needs treatment from the vet.

If there is no signs like I mention above, is the hairloss leaving bald patches or just malting like a cat does. Also, what breed is your piggy?
