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Guinea Pig in Yard

21 14:26:35

At this point I am wondering how to get it out of the bushes.  If I get too close it runs away!

Followup To

Question -
Hello,  today I discovered a guinea pig in my yard.  He/she is very scared of us and only stays in the bushes, how can we help it? WE are afraid of one of our dogs getting it.

Answer -
hello, wow you found a guinea pig. Amazing!! The best thing to do is well if you want to take him/her in and take care of him than you will need a few things. The first thing to do is to buy a book on guinea pigs to get more detailed information. You will need a cage that is at 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. You will also need to buy guinea pig food and buy some vitamin drops that have vitamin C. Guinea pigs need vitamin C everyday because they can not make it on their own. You will also need to supply him unlimited amounts of timothy hay. The bedding that should be used to cover the bottom should be something like carefresh, kaykob or soft-sorbent bedding. Those are easier and cleaner to use. Your guinea pig should be played with because right now it's scared and afraid and it thinks you will harm him. So he is going to be very nervous. You should also buy some chew treats to give him because he needs to keep his teeth down. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

hmmm... you would need to set a trap. Like buy some guinea pig food and a bowl and put them in a cardboard box for the piggy. Put a cozy blanket in there too. You can try to chase the piggie in there or you can lay it out for the piggie to crawl up in and when they are in the cage just lift it up and you got em.